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Rubric Evaluation

This rubric may be used for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions.
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Partially Proficient
Content Provides a fresh and balanced perspective on the topic. Provides original ideas with a minimum of personal bias. Provides one or two original ideas which include some personal bias. Does not provide any original ideas and personal bias is obvious.   ____/3
Provides comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the topic. Provides a moderate amount of insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the topic. Provides only minimal understanding, or reflective thought about the topic. Provides no understanding or reflective thought about the topic. ____/3
Explains all ideas clearly and concisely in a logical progression with effective supporting evidence. Explains most ideas clearly and concisely with supporting evidence. Incompletely explains ideas and does not effectively use supporting evidence. Fails to explain ideas clearly, and does not use any supporting evidence. ____/3
Presents all information in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience. Presents information in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience. Presents information in a style that is often inappropriate for the intended audience. Presents information in a disjointed, unpolished style which is inappropriate for the intended audience. ____/3
Organization Uses a consistent organizational structure that includes grouping related information, defines specialized vocabulary and/or provides a table of contents.  Uses an organizational structure which groups some but not all, related information, defines specialized vocabulary and/or provides a table of contents.  Uses a loosely defined organizational structure which attempts to group similar items. Fails to provide a consistent organizational structure, and information is difficult to locate.  ____/3
Text Layout Makes frequent and effective use of headings, fonts, bullet points and white space to enhance the content’s visual appeal and increase readability. Makes occasional use of headings, fonts, bullet points and white space to enhance the content’s visual appeal and increase readability. Makes minimal use of headings, fonts, bullet points and white space to enhance visual appeal and readability. Makes no use of headings, fonts, bullet points or white space to enhance visual appeal and readability. ____/3
Hyperlinks Includes links to websites or documents that enhance the information presented. Includes links to websites or documents, but not all links enhance the information presented. Includes links to websites or documents which add little value to the information presented. Does not include any links, or the links selected are of poor quality and do not add any value to the information presented.   ____/3
Connects to relevant, up-to-date resources. Connects to resources which are usually relevant and up-to-date. Connects to many outdated resources which appear to have only a minimal connection to the topic. Connects to outdated resources which have no connection to the topic. ____/3
Graphics and Multimedia Selects high quality graphics and multimedia when appropriate to enhance and clarify the content. Selects graphics and multimedia which are mostly high quality and enhance and clarify the content. Selects many low-quality graphics and multimedia which do not enhance the content. Selects no graphics, or uses only low-quality graphics and multimedia which do not enhance the content.  ____/3
Acknowledges all image and multimedia sources with captions or annotations. Acknowledges most image and multimedia sources with captions or annotations. Acknowledges only a few multimedia and image sources and uses incomplete captions or annotations. Fails to acknowledge any image or multimedia sources, either with a caption or an annotation. ____/3
Citation Consistently uses standard bibliographic format to cite sources. Uses standard bibliographic format to cite sources most of the time. Does not use standard bibliographic format to cite sources, and citations are incomplete. Does not cite any sources.  ____/3
Accurately cites all sources of information to support the credibility and authority of the information presented. Most sources are cited accurately, and support the credibility of the information presented. Few sources are cited accurately, and they fail to adequately support the credibility of the information presented. Does not provide any accurate information about sources used. ____/3
Group/Partner Collaboration Contributes equally with other group members in researching, writing, and editing. Assists group members with most of the researching, writing and editing. Provides minimal assistance to group members in researching, writing and editing, and does not follow through with all tasks. Provides no assistance to group members in any of the researching, writing and editing and does not follow through with any of the tasks.  ____/3
Meets all goals and deadlines. Usually meets goals and deadlines. Occasionally meets goals and deadlines. Does not meet goals and deadlines. ____/3
Exhibits appropriate wiki etiquette when editing and respects the work of others. Exhibits appropriate wiki etiquette most of the time and generally respects the work of others. Exhibits a minimal knowledge of wiki etiquette and often fails to respect the work of others. Exhibits no knowledge of wiki etiquette and fails to respect the work of others. ____/3
Writing Mechanics Edits the text with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Edits the text with minor additional editing required for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Edits the text, but errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling distract or impair readability.
(3 or more errors)
Edits the text but numerous errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling repeatedly distract the reader and major revision is required.
(more than 5 errors)
University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree
Readings on Authentic Assessment
Examples of Other Rubrics

